Andrés Fernández Díaz
Doctor: | Andrés Fernández Díaz |
Proposal: | University School of Business Studies and Public Administration |
Sponsor: | Dr. D. Antonio José Narváez Bueno |
Celebration: | Campus de la Asunción – Jerez 30th of January 2004 |

As a professor, his texts are obligatory references of the discipline of Economic Policy in Spanish universities. Some of his works, such as “Introducción y Metodología de la Política Económica”, “Teoría y política monetaria”, “Fundamentos y papel actual de la Política Económica” o “Dinámica Caótica en Economía: Teoría y Aplicaciones” are the subject of constant reissues.
On his facet of researcher, Andrés Fernández Díaz has been the first economist to carry out systematic scientific work on the techniques of inductive planning on the Spanish university. As a result of his study and his collaboration with Italian and French professors there are the articles and monographs among which stand out Programación económica global en España e Italia; ¿Puede hablarse de una teoría de la planificación?; La necesidad del empleo de modelos en las ciencias sociales or The use of models in economics policy: a reapraisal. His studies on economics are also numerous as part of the geostrategy, whose knowledge has led him to be civilian deputy director of the Superior Center for Defense Studies, founder of the Master in Security and Defense of the Complutense University and part of the International Institute for Strategic Studies of London. Also, Andrés Fernández Díaz is the initiator in Spain of the applications to the economy of the Theories of the Chaotic Dynamics.
His membership in groups such as the American Economic Association, the Royal Economic Association, the Centre for Interantional Research, the Trade Policy Research Center, the Tière-Monde Association and the International Institute of Public Finance show the international scope of his figure. Andres Fernández has also collaborated as a visiting professor with the universities of the Sorbonne, Bari, Rome, Buenos Aires, Berkley, the College of France and the Institut de Sciences Mathematiques.
Among the positions of responsibility he has held, his work as Director General of Planning and Director General of the National Statistics Institute during a crucial period for the start of the elections of June 1977, in which he was also one of the members of the Central Electoral Board. It was also during these years that his work of representation was an impetus for the creation of the University of Cadiz. He has been distinguished with the Grand Cross of the Order of Civil Merit of the Kingdom of Spain, with the Order of Merit of the Italian Republic, with the Order of Palmes Academiques of the French Republic, with the Cross of Military Merit of First Class and with The Cross of Police Merit, among other awards. Currently, he is a professor in Special Services at the Complutense University, member of the Governing Board of the Astrobiology Center (INTA-NASA) and director of the Spanish Journal of External Control of the Court of Auditors.